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Other: About
Typewriter Keys

Terms and Definitions

Outside of WCO: Means 'Outside of Warrior Cats Online, which is just as it sounds. Any event with that tag means it happened outside of WCO, and has not been roleplayed.

NI: Means 'Not In', in other words, not in WCO. Characters with these tags are not roleplayed by anyone in WCO, including myself (Brightlight).

PBM: Means 'Played By Myself', in other words, the character mentioned is played by yours truly (Brightlight).

@____: Means, it's played by a person in WCO with the name mentioned. 



For the full character images of my characters, see the album on my (Brightlight's) public profile called 'My Cats'. Again, these images are not drawn by me, credits to Decarbry and Neikoish for the beautiful drawings!

Paints and Brush
Other: Catalogue
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